The 46th Super Sentai is Avataro Sentai Don Brothers. By using Avataro Gear, it is possible to transform into a past Super Squadron and use the power of robots. Avataro Gear is a small disk that has the data of the Super Sentai Heroes. When you set it to Don Blaster, you can load the data of the heroes and use their power, and you can change to various forms of them.
Condition: Pre-owned & Excellent Condition. Expect Minor Scratches & Wear.
Manufactured By: Bandai
Date Released: Mar. 2022
Franchise: Super Sentai Series
Show: Avataro Sentai Don Brothers
Toy Line: Candy Toy Sentai Gear Series
Ships via: SAL Registered, Airmail Registered, EMS, or DHL
- Avataro Gear: Don Momotaro Alter